What is Different about Traverus And TeleVerus Cell Phones

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

YTB Travel International Inc. the Joke of Craigslist

YTBTRAVELNEWS(press release): It has been brought to my attention by a close friend
that YTB Travel International Inc. has become the joke of Craigslist. And are quickly showing that YTB Travel International Inc. isn't as RECESSION PROOF as Coach and the GANG would like to have everyone thinking they are Then "IF" this the case "WHY" are there ads being posted like the following one found by MLMs and Travel.

Travel Domain Name and YTB 2008 Success Magazines
Are you in the Travel Business or with YTB and need a domain name? We would like to sell our name www.TravelersHope.com to you if you are interested. Please contact us and we can get you more specifics and talk price.We also have 20 YTB 2008 Success Magazines if you could use these for your YTB business. I am willing to sell them for $75 or obo. These would be for pick-up and cash only.

Oh oh. Seems that YTB is not too recession proof in Denver if they are selling the domain and magazines for $75 or best offer.

YTB Marketing Materials For Sale (KC, MO)
Hello, I have many YTB Marketing Materials that I would like to sell for less than I paid. I hate to throw them away when someone else could use them. You must be able to pick them up. The list is below, make offer, will not separate must take them all.

Quantity Items
123 Magazines
6 Leaders Bulletin-Vol 1 No 1
23 Leaders Bulletin-Vol 1 No 3
49 Leaders Bulletin-Vol 1 No 4
49 Leaders Bulletin-Vol 1 No 5
24 Leaders Bulletin-Vol 1 No 7
19 Coach's Playbook
56 8x10 YTB International Turning Fun into Fortune Brochure
50 What's Missing From This Picture Brochure
50 American Destinations Brochure
49 The Ticket to Your Future Brochure
123 Grand Opening Postcards
Your Travel Biz Guarantees Brochure
15 8x10 Signs
100 Free Travel Vouchers to give away
Total Cost $770.01
Thanks for looking and good luck with YTB.

Ouch, seems Kansas City also did not get the email from Coach about how recession proof the business is. And this looks like someone that was serious about the business. Look at that inventory list. And in case the person who placed the ad is reading, I am sure for your $770.01 Coach will send you a nice Christmas card.

YTB Success Home Magazines, DVD, travel vouchers & more for sale
hi I have all this stuff from YTB for sale or trade ( ipod touch 8GB for my son)
* (14) 2007 YTB Success from Home magazines 12 with dvd
* (5) Coach’s Playbook DVD’s.
* (5) Circle of Champions DVD.
* (118) What missing from this picture ? YOU .
* ( 10) Travel vouchers.
*(199) Your travel biz the ticket to your future
(not including shipping). if you have any question please let me know ,thanks

Orlando too? This cannot be. Coach and Scott promised it was recession proof! What the hell is going on here?

YTB Success from Home magazines with CD
i have 24 copies of the January 2007 issue of Success from Home featuring YTB. These magazines come with the CD-Rom for this travel business. Those of you in the industry know about this. These are FREE. If they are not picked up within a week, they are going to the recycle trash. Serious inquiries can call me at 727-742-2119.
p.s. if i know you are coming, i can put them out under the covered front porch overhang, so there is no need to set up special times.

It's no better in Tampa. But I am not so sure how valuable a two year old magazine is? But apparently the advertiser knows, they are intending to toss them in the trash. What is a "serious inquiry" about something you are planning on tossing away? I believe that Coach would not be happy!

YTB Success From Home Magazines - $50
We are selling 28 YTB(Your Travel Biz) Success From Home Magazines. They are the 2007 Edition. 25 have never been used, 3 are in ok condition. We are selling them for 1/2 the price of what you will pay on the YTB website (for 25 Magazines).
On the YTB Website (25 magazines) ~ $99 + $17 S&H
We are selling them for $50!

Denver again. Boy Coach needs to send out more of those Recession Proof CDs. There are entirely too many RTAs and Reps that are unaware of this new unique to YTB program. This guy is even trying to sell his "slightly used" 2-year old YTB Magazines. And we are not even going to address in how they were used--you can use your imagination.

For More Information Contact:

Daryl D. Alex
Regional Executive
TraVerus Travel

Monday, November 17, 2008

YTB sells administrative offices?

YTB Travel News: Sources states that YTB Travel International is selling their admininstrative offices. Somehow I knew that it wouldn't be long before this would be happening after the lay off of their adminstrative staff a few months ago. And just like than YTB Travel continues to say that there's nothing wrong. Here is information that has be noted on MLM'S And Travel site that has made this fact known to all.
We need to wait a few more days for the YTB Travel International or yourtravelbiz.com 10-Q filing, but it appears that they need to raise some cash. According to this 8-K filing, YTB is selling its property at 1 Country Club View in Edwardsville, IL. The property is being sold to Prestige Management Services, LLC for $1.5 million. This is the same property that YTB Travel International acquired a little more than a year ago, and according to this 8-K filing paid $1.85 million for.

The current sale is not only for the building and land, but also "All office equipment to remain with building to include: Cubicles, Chairs, Desk, Tables, Break Room Equipment. Sellers may leave or take Phone system." Computers and Computer Systems are excluded. Further, the buyer has taken an option to purchase 600 Country Club View at any time within 12 months of the closing of this sale.

This means that YTB Travel International is losing $350,000 on the sale, plus the cost of the equipment and furniture, plus the costs of acquisition and sale.

Why would they be doing this? The obvious speculation is that "The Company" is bleeding financially, and needs to raise cash

For More Information Contact:

Daryl D. Alex
Regional Executive
Traverus Travel and TeleVerus Cell Phones

Saturday, October 25, 2008

YTB Travel International changes "RTA" Commissions

YTB Travel News: (press release) EXTRA!!! EXTRA!! read all about it YTB Travel International announces that YTB Travel International agents will now receive 70% as it has eliminated the 10% override bonus!!!!
However, YTB Travel International fail to inform their Travel agents or should I say RTA's about all the hoops that they will have to jump through. Let us take a look at these HOOPS.

For More Information Contact:

Daryl D. Alex
Regional Executive
Traverus Travel and TeleVerus Cell Phones

Friday, October 17, 2008

Types of pyramid schemes AND how YTB uses it

A pyramid scheme is a means of transferring money from duped investors at the bottom of a pyramid to those at the top, who initiate the recruitment of an endless chain or pyramid of participants. Pyramid promoters promise substantial income to those who “work the system,” but it is considered by law enforcement in most jurisdictions in the U.S. to be an unfair and deceptive practice because of the mathematical certainty that approximately 90% or more will always be in a losing position at the bottom – whether it collapses on its own, is shut down by authorities, evolves into another program, or moves on to another area.
While it is true that in most legitimate businesses, entrepreneurs lose money or eventually quit the business, the odds of failure are not guaranteed. Success is dependent on market forces and skill and the amount of time, money, and effort invested in the enterprise. However, in an illegal pyramid scheme, the more one invests in the enterprise, the more one loses – with the notable exception of those at the top of the pyramid, which are usually the first ones who entered into a given market. Success is dependent on time of entry and/or on willingness to aggressively recruit and deceive a downline of participants into believing the program is a legitimate enterprise.
Pyramid schemes come in many forms and with many disguises, including:


Participants buy into the scheme and move up four or five levels towards the top by recruiting others, who must do the same. The top person pockets all the money and then the next ones in line move up. The originator may move on to start another pyramid. Since no products are offered, these are easy to detect and are often shut down rather quickly by authorities. Losses are usually no more than a few hundred or a few thousand dollars and aggregate harm is minimal, so they seldom attract much attention by law enforcement or by the media. Included in this category are pyramid games, such as the “airplane game,” or pyramid parties, such as the “dinner party,” etc.


These are essentially no-product pyramid schemes, but they are disguised as gifts given voluntarily in order to enter the pyramid. Promoters claim they are empowering women or churches or some other group of people striving to gain financial advantage. They do not fool most officials in law enforcement, and the media and the public often unite to support law enforcement in shutting them down. They have been successful in some states for brief periods of time, but seldom gain wide support. Aggregate losses to society are minimal.


These involve spamming the Internet with offers to participate in an endless chain of useful “reports,” which are usually readily available information that has been photocopied and added to the chain, much like a chain letter. The cost to participate is very small – usually under $20. While they are hard to control in a medium as unregulated as the Internet, actual financial losses are almost trivial. The real harm is their tendency to hog valuable computer space and time. Internet matrices are also pyramid schemes that cause more irritation to serious web surfers than actual financial harm to participants.


These are the pyramid schemes of choice for at least 90% of promoters of schemes designed to enrich a few at the expense of a multitude of downline investors. Recruits are deceived into buying “potions and lotions” with claims of magical properties and powers – and promises of huge income for sharing these dandy items with friends and neighbors. Promoters exploit the dreams and social capital of participants, who almost never file complaints with authorities when they come up empty – which happens to approximately 99.9% of them. Because participants don’t complain (for reasons I will explain another time), law enforcement seldom does anything to contain them. These programs go by such terms as “multi-level marketing” (MLM), “network marketing,” “consumer direct marketing,” etc.
Product-based pyramid schemes recruit aggressively until de facto saturation makes recruiting difficult in a given market, moving on to other markets or starting new “divisions,” thus maintaining themselves in a continuously revolving door of new recruits, each of whom buys or subscribes to products to get in on this “ground floor opportunity.” In order to succeed, one must first be deceived, then maintain a high level of deception, and finally go about aggressively deceiving others.

Aggregate losses to society from product-based pyramid schemes total tens of billions of dollars every year and affect millions of victims world-wide. Approximately 99.9% of participants lose money – far higher than for no-product pyramid schemes. Most recruits participate on a modest scale, buying a few products and then quitting. Harm to more serious participants ranges from a few hundred dollars to loss of one’s life savings, career, or worse – breakup of families, even depression and/or suicide. The ones who get hurt the most are individuals who most enthusiastically embrace the promises and deceptions of the promoters and put their savings, credit, and whole heart and soul into this bogus “business opportunity of a lifetime.” If you had read the thousands of letters we have received from victims world-wide, you would not see MLM as a harmless home business – and certainly not a profitable one.

For More Information Contact:

Daryl D. Alex
Regional Executive
Traverus Travel and TeleVerus Cell Phones

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Member of Senate has tries to YTB Travel International Inc.

YTB Travel News:(press release) In an Exclusive WINK News investigation has uncovered that Burt Saunders a Florida State Senator , who is currently running for U.S. Congress has been paid in the past by "the company" (yourtravelbiz.com) to be its director and has received money as a consultant for "the company". Financial documents show that he had received $16,000 dollars in 2007 from the company, no word yet on whether or not he has been paid for any services this year.

Currently YTB Travel International Inc. is facing two class action suits each asking for over $100 million dollars, with California asking for restitution for victims in that state. California’s Attorney General even went so far as to call YTB Travel International Inc. a pyramid scheme.

In this day and age, when each and every politician’s life are being looked into so deeply, this could have serious repercussions for Saunders if YTB Travel International Inc. is found to have operated an illegal pyramid scheme. I would not be surprised if Saunders is the next in line to step down from the board at YTB Travel International Inc. (yourtravelbiz.com)

For Information Contact:

Daryl D. Alex
Regional Executive
Traverus Travel and TeleVerus Cell Phones

Saturday, October 4, 2008

YTB Travel International sell 4 million in stock???

YTB Travel News: (Press Release) YTB Travel dumps 4 million dollars worth of stock this time. As first reported by Notravelmlms site.

Michael Brent, who is a 10%+ owner of YTB Travel International, Inc. or yourtravelbiz.com or "the Company" has apparently seen the writing on the wall and is looking to sell up to 4 million shares of YTB Travel International, Inc.

On September 30, 2008, Michael Brent and Beth Brent entered into a Rule 10b5-1 Sales Plan ("Sales Plan") to be administered by Gilford Securities, Incorporated. Michael Brent is a ten percent shareholder of YTB International, Inc.(the "Company") and is the Chief Executive Officer of REZconnect Technologies, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company.

During the one year term of the Sales Plan, the Sales Plan provides that Gilford Securities, Incorporated will sell under Rule 144 up to a maximum of four million shares of Class A Common Stock of the Company held by Mr. and Mrs. Brent, subject to the price and volume restrictions stated in the Sales Plan.

However, according to this Rule 10b5-1 of the SEC, people that are privy to non public insider information are prohibited from selling stock. This should prove to be a problem for Cauthen, Clagg, Scott Tomer, Coach Tomer and Kim Sorensen as they all have sold securities when the California Attorney General Investigation was ongoing and not disclosed. This will also be yet another problem for Brent, based solely on "if" that information was disclosed to him as well.

Nevertheless, there is a way out when someone is looking to minimize the risk. Especially, "if" a trustee handles the sales of securities at a predetermined schedule or per a predetermined Canaccord-Adams' formula. You can read about the details of the plan here.

Now, according to Canaccord-Adams:

A large number of corporate executives are using 10b5-1 plans to turn their risks into rewards with respect to trading company stock. Rule 10b5-1 plans allow corporate insiders to preclude trading liability and more easily access their personal wealth held in stock.

It seems that Michael Brent who by the way has already sold over a million shares in the last year, should be a little concerned that because of what he knows as an insider, he may be guilty of violating insider trading rules. Moreover, he must feel that selling YTB Travel ie the company, yourtravelbiz.com stock is a personal risk.

Does this represent the beginning of the end? I guess that time will tell

For More Information Contact:

Daryl D. Alex
Regional Executive
Traverus Travel and TeleVerus Cell Phones

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

YTB Travel International Inc. Travel Agency or Travel SCAM ?

YTB Travel International Inc. problems have widened the gap between the learning and earning curves of becoming a REAL certified travel agent alone with the learning and earning to become a REAL marketeer. YTB Travel International Inc. has some success at marketing travel But, at the expense of it's very own YTB Travel International agents and other associates, who are frustrated with YTB Travel International Inc. attractive opportunity, but, YTB Travel International Inc. unrealistic goals.

There's something very wrong and the growing list of YTB Travel International Inc. problems has caught the attention of not only The Attorney General of California but, also that of IATA. YTB Travel International Inc. complaints has made The Travel industry punch drunkend, And has many people who are seeking their fortune to enhance the quality of their life with the aide of this lucrative Travel Industry have been left asking questions as to how or will they ever get a head with YTB Travel International.

As a result of the many YTB travel International Inc. lawsuits, it appears that the travel industry may have to take a different approach or at least the suppliers and vendors of travel will have to. YTB Travel International Inc. problems are just the beginning. YTB Travel International Inc. illegal marketed marketeers. YTB Travel International Inc. lawsuits have now convinced the suppliers and vendors to cancel its ties. YTB Travel International Inc. has been revoked from IATA.

Avoid the circus of YTB Travel International Inc. problems and learn to become a REAL Travel Agent, get paid to help others learn about becoming travel agents and earn high commissions and residual income as well.

For More Information Contact:

Daryl D. Alex
Regional Executive
Traverus Travel and TeleVerus Cell Phones
Traverus Travel Update and TeleVerus Cell Phones

Saturday, September 27, 2008

YTB Travel Cerification now called "First Class"?

YTB Travel News(press Release):
NEWS FLASH: YTB Travel International travel agent's Certification no longer Called YTB Travel International RTA Certification-Now YTB Travel International is now calling it "First Class" get REAL!!!

Here is an excerpt from a recently released announcement from YTB Travel International Inc. Headquarters
YTB Travel International's

First Class -the "First Class" an RTA should take after joining YTB Travel International! Field leaders share the knowledge and experience they have gained on their way to outstanding YTB Travel International success.

The First Class presentation, taught by YTB Travel International Directors, teaches you how to maximize your YTB travel biz and marketingwebsites and provides you with the foundation you need to take your business to the next level.

The education and motivation you will receive from your"first" First Class are priceless!

Check out these First Class locations for this weekend -Friday - Saturday - Sunday

Don't Miss This Valuable Training!Sign up now from your Back Office by clicking on the Company Events link on the left.

However, after a closer look at the dates and location, you will notice on the second pages, that it is still without question, is called YTB Travel International RTA Certification and you guessed right, there is still a monetary fee involved to attend. So, is YTB Travel International trying to hide it's tracks by calling the YTB Travel International RTA Ceritfication...."First Class". Or is this another attempt for YTB Travel International to raise much needed CASH as membership drops and needs CASH to pay operating expenses, and pending lawsuits.

For More Information Contact:
Daryl D. Alex
Regional Executive
Traverus Travel

Friday, September 19, 2008

YTB Travel International, Inc. stock downgraded by the street.com

YTB Travel News(press release):
Each business day, TheStreet.com Ratings updates its ratings on the stocks it covers. The proprietary ratings model projects a
stock's total return potential over a 12-month period, including both price appreciation and dividends. Buy, hold or sell ratings
designate how the Ratings group expects these stocks to perform against a general benchmark of the equities market and
interest rates.
While the ratings model is quantitative, it uses both subjective and objective elements. For instance, subjective elements include
expected equities market returns, future interest rates, implied industry outlook and company earnings forecasts. Objective
elements include volatility of past operating revenue, financial strength and company cash flows.
However, the rating does not incorporate all of the factors that can alter a stock's performance. For example, it doesn't always
factor in recent corporate or industry events that could affect the stock price, nor does it include recent technology developments
and competitive dynamics that may affect the company.
For those reasons, we believe a rating alone cannot tell the whole story, and that it should be part of an investor's overall

Ticker Company Name Change New Rating Former Rating
GCI GANNETT CO Downgrade Sell Hold
ORBC ORBCOMM INC Downgrade Sell Hold
UFI UNIFI INC Upgrade Hold Sell
WPL STEWART (W P) & CO LTD Downgrade Sell Hold

For More Information Contact:

Daryl D. Alex
Regional Executive
Traverus Travel and TeleVerus Cell Phones

Saturday, September 6, 2008

YTB The Robbing Hood Of Travel

How many of you remember the legend of "Robin Hood"? who took from the rich and gave to the poor and the less fortunate; Now for those of you that do we have our very own 20th century legend However, this legend is spelled a little differently then
we are accustom to and his policy are all together different then that of the old "Robin Hood" is known as "The ROBBING Hood of Travel" and is the owner of YTB Travel International Inc. or more commonly know as yourtravelbiz.com. Who sells false hopes and dreams of wealth and luxurious cars and houses all for a $450.00 start up fee and a $50.00 monthly maintenance fee. However, Some, like California Attorney General Jerry Brown, say the whole thing's a scam that recruits thousands of members with deceptive claims. The only people reaching their dreams, they say, are a handful at the very top, while most get nothing. But YTB's legion of supporters say that's just not the case. They argue that the YTB complaints come from ex-agents who thought success would be handed to them, and that YTB Travel International Inc. is rigorously aboveboard. Whoever's right, there's no denying that YTB Travel International Inc. has tapped into something powerful, and has ridden it to become one of the fastest-growing small companies in the St. Louis region.

Along the way, the Tomers prospered. Scott Tomer and Sorensen each earned $2.3 million in cash, benefits and stock last year, according to filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Lloyd Tomer earned $3.5 million. Top salespeople made out well, too: A couple earned more than the top execs last year, and 11 sales directors topped $800,000, according to the company's publicly available income disclosure statement. Dozens more earned six figures.

But beneath them, the vast majority earned little.

YTB's 45,000 entry-level sales reps — the people who sell new travel agencies — on average earned $90.32 last year. And of the more than 200,000 people who paid the company as much as $1,000 to run a travel website in 2007, nearly 125,000 didn't earn a penny in commissions, according to Brown's lawsuit. Half of the rest earned less than $39. And while YTB took in $103 million last year from selling and maintaining websites, it paid out just $13.4 million in commissions for selling travel.

Those numbers led to grumbling that YTB is little more than a pyramid scheme, a shell game designed to enrich a few on the backs of many. Those grumbles grew for months, and then burst open with Brown's lawsuit, followed by news of an investigation by Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan and two class-action lawsuits filed in federal court in East St. Louis.

For More Information Contact:

Daryl D. Alex
Regional Executive
Traverus Travel and TeleVerus Cell Phones

Sunday, August 31, 2008

YTB International Inc. cuts 17 positions

YTB Travel News:(press release) Just two days after YTB Travel International Inc. laid off 25 employees from it's Wood River, Ill, headquarters; YTB Travel International Inc. Has now disclosed that they are now eliminating 17 positions which was revealed to The Telegraph through a e-mail statement

YTB International Inc. cut 17 positions at its Wood River, Ill, headquarters this week, according to a published report.

"YTB International Inc. eliminated 17 positions today (Wednesday), representing less than 5 percent of our work force, as part of a reorganization to reduce operating expenses and curtail redundancies," Tony Green, assistant to Chief Executive Scott Tomer, wrote in a statement e-mailed to The Telegraph. "This move places the company in an even better position to realize its goals and effectively manage its continued growth."

A request from the Business Journal requesting comment was not immediately returned.

For More Information Contact:

Daryl D. Alex
Regional Executive
Traverus Travel and TelVerus Cell Phones

Thursday, August 28, 2008

YTB Travel International Inc. Laid-off 25 employees?

YTB Travel News(Press Release): After doing a little private investigative work YTB Travel News has uncovered some very disappointing news
as reported by Cynthia Ellis of The Telegraph; YTB Travel International Inc. has began to lay-off some of it's employees from it's corporate
headquarters as of Wednesday August 27, 2008. However, the following story can
give us better insight as to "WHY" these alarming steps were taken:

The Telegraph

WOOD RIVER - YTB International Inc. reportedly terminated the employment of 25 people from its corporate headquarters on Wednesday.

A laid-off employee, who asked to remain anonymous, said that he and two dozen others were told their positions were being eliminated due to the "current economic environment in the United States," and that the company's management "regret this necessary decision."

The man said company officials knew Tuesday that positions would be eliminated, because they scheduled meetings with the employees Wednesday to inform them about the situation.

"I was told by my manager there would be a meeting, and I had no idea what it was about," he said. "I didn't know if I had done something wrong. I was stressing all night."

The man said that ever since the California Attorney General's Office filed a lawsuit against YTB Travel International Inc. in early August that claimed the company was operating a "gigantic pyramid scheme," company officials have been telling employees that "everything is fine."

"I don't think it's fine," he said.

Legal action was taken against YourTravelBiz.com, a subsidiary of YTB International Inc., for allegedly recruiting tens of thousands of people with deceptive claims that they could earn huge sums of money through its online travel agencies.

So far, the lawsuit is the toughest one filed against the company since it started operations seven years ago. YTB Travel International Inc. runs Web sites for referring travel agents, online agencies that sell flights, cruises and vacation packages and earn a commission.

Since the filing of the California suit, a class action lawsuit has been filed in federal court in East St. Louis and a third in Madison County Circuit Court. A judge has scheduled a hearing for Sept. 2 in the circuit court case filed in Edwardsville by Terry and Teresa Braswell, in which the couple claim that YTB Travel International Inc. Chairman J. Lloyd "Coach" Tomer "repudiated" a contract with the couple that called for them to receive about $10,000 per month.

The company has defended itself against the legal actions.

"As a matter of policy, we do not comment on pending litigation. However, we can tell you that YTB Travel International Inc. believes the allegations we've heard are without merit, and we will vigorously defend ourselves," YTB Travel International Inc. Chief Executive Officer Scott Tomer said recently in a prepared statement.

Tomer said the company is proud of its business model and how the operations are conducted in an ethical and transparent way by management. Last month, the company announced that it was contemplating the replacement of its referring travel agent business model with a franchise operating system, to start in 2009. The model, if adopted, would be similar to other franchise businesses; however, details about the plan still are in the works.

YTB Travel International Inc. officials did not respond to an e-mail sent by The Telegraph, asking questions about its layoffs or whether any legal actions have had a financial impact on the company.

During the past several years, YTB Travel International Inc. has grown significantly; last year, it was ranked 26th in a survey conducted by Travel Weekly magazine, selling $414.5 million. Reports show that nearly three-quarters of its revenue came from selling new agencies rather than from actual travel sales.

YTB Travel International Inc. employs between 300 and 350 people at its headquarters at 1901 E. Edwardsville Road, where it is spending $25 million to expand the facility it purchased more than two years ago.

Wood River Mayor Fred Ufert said he hates to see employees lose their jobs. He said the layoffs would hurt the city economically, as well.

"Some of the employees live in the city," Ufert said. "It's a bad thing for everyone. We can only hope they will get through it."

The former YTB Travel International employee said the situation is upsetting, but he has come to the conclusion that he doesn't need to be working for a company that cannot be honest with its employees. He said it is likely that more positions will be terminated.

"We could clearly see something was going but were assured everything was OK," he said. "Does it seem OK if they are letting people go?"

In closing, YTB Travel International Inc. doesn't appear to be as recession proof as it has everyone thinking I mean to make such a bold step as this just days before YTB Travel International is to meet with a circuit judge to answer the allegations pending from The California suit, The class action lawsuit that has been filed in federal court in East St. Louis and a third in Madison County Circuit Court is a sure sign that everything isn't at all what YTB Travel International Inc.Chief Executive Officer Scott Tomer and others are confessing them to be, it's funny that I choose the word "CONFESSING"
maybe it time that YTB Travel International Inc. began to do just that "CONFESS" it's wrong doing and set their captives FREE!!!!!!!

For More Information Contact:
Daryl D. Alex
Regional Executive
TraVerus Travel and TeleVerus Cell Phones

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

More YTB Travel Problems this time in Houston

YTB Travel News(Press Release): More YTB Travel Problems have been reported this time In Houston where a group
of School bus drivers and their families had dreams of taking a vacation
only to find out that they had been involved in one of many of YTB
Travel scam

Come on YTB Travel don't you think that a enough is enough?

For More Information Contact:

Daryl D. Alex
Regional Executive
Traverus Travel

Friday, August 22, 2008

More YTB Complaints from The BBB

YTB Travel News:(Press Release) More YTB Travel Complaints

A Fallbrook, Calif., woman complained to the BBB that after a day-long seminar, she purchased a Web site from YTB Travel for $499 in order to become an online travel agent. She said she thought this would be a good way to make money from home and obtain travel discounts for personal travel. She said that she needed to book $1,200 a month through her Web site in order to be eligible for personal discounts, but everyone that she told about her site said that they “did some research and found that they could book travel more cheaply elsewhere.” She also said that “IATA(International Air Transport Association Network) rescinded their affiliation with YTB Travel and that was the main way for us to obtain travel discounts.” The BBB assisted her in obtaining a refund.

When contacted by the BBB, a representative of the IATAN confirmed that their relationship with YTB Travel was severed due to “failure to maintain standards of accreditation.” In an official statement IATAN indicated that YTB Travel was terminated for “violating the standards which provide that ‘IATA numeric codes shall not be lent, subcontracted, or hired to a third party.’" Furthermore, IATAN “found that the Referring Travel Agents recruited by YTB Travel -- and to whom YTB Travel gave credentials which contained the IATA numeric code -- were "third parties" over whom YTB Travel had no control.” YTB Travel disputed IATANS actions, but upon review the actions were upheld.

For the first quarter of 2008, only 12.5% of YTB Travel’s net revenue was derived from online travel sale commissions, while almost 80% came from the recruitment of people joining its online travel business. Based on the number of RTAs listed in these filings, the average amount made by each RTA through the sale of travel through their Web site for the first quarter was $27.75; on pace for a yearly income of $111, according to filings with the Security and Exchange Commission.

J. Kim Sorensen is the president of YTB Travel, J. Scott Tomer is the CEO and J. Lloyd Tomer is the chairman of the board, according to the company’s Web site.

If you are like me and are tried of the many YTB Travel Complaints that have and are being leeved on YTB Travel then maybe it's time you take a look at Traverus Travel Network and TeleVerus Cell Phones

For more information contact:

Daryl D. Alex
Regional Executive
Traverus Travel and TeleVeus Cell Phones

Sunday, August 17, 2008

YTB Travel International deceives yet another member

YTB Travel News(Press Release): Here is another story of misrepresentation by YTB Travel International as reported by The St. Louis Business Journal - by Kelsey Volkmann

Ana Temple wanted to make some extra cash to supplement her income as a finance and human resources director for an architectural firm.

So when a family friend told her aboutYourTravelBiz.com and how she could set up her own online travel agency, she jumped at the chance in April.

She paid nearly $500 to set up a Web site through Wood River, Ill.-based YTB International. The company told her she'd make 60 percent commission off every trip she booked.

But then she got her paycheck: $3 per airline ticket.

That's when the company told her travel agents make 60 percent of what YTB Travel makes, she said.

"I feel so deceived," said Temple, a Copiague, N.Y., resident. "They told us people could retire off this and take free trips. It's all a bunch of bull."

Several YTB Travel agents vigorously defended YTB Travel at the company's national convention in St. Louis this week, saying they had made money and received discounts on personal travel.

"That's because they got thousands of suckers underneath them and they're making money off us," said Temple, 38.

When she tried to cancel, YTB Travel refused, saying it was past the five-day cancellation period. But Temple said she didn't receive her packet informing her of the cancellation policy until after the five- day period expired.

YTB Travel denied this and she was still required to read the online terms and conditions before paying.

"They gave us so much false information," she said. "Total, total lies."

I know how Mrs. Temple is feeling because like her I too was deceived my YTB Travel International when told that I too with earn that same 60% commission on every thing booked from my site. However, I too was never ever told that it would 60% of what was left after YTB Travel International was paid by their hosting company. Now if that isn't misrepresenting I don't know what is and if YTB Travel International lies about this then what else has YTB Travel International lied about?

For more information contact:

Daryl D. Alex
Regional Executive
Traverus Travel
Traverus Travel Update

Thursday, August 14, 2008

St. Louis slaps YTB Travel with Class-action lawsuit

YTB Travel News(press Release): Just like The Morton Salt Box States "When It Rains It Pours" this time that statement rings true for YTB Travel Just day after one of YTB Travel's Annual Conventions which was held in St. Louis this year more trouble was announcement by

Another layer of trouble has landed on Wood River-based travel company YTB International, this one in the form of a class-action lawsuit filed Friday in East St. Louis.

Attorneys representing two agents and sales reps for the company say it is an "illegal pyramid scheme" and "employs an illegal chain referral sales technique" in violation of Illinois law. They are seeking $100 million in damages for the at least 140,000 agents who have joined YTB Travel.

In a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission, the company said it "intends to vigorously defend the case."

The suit's charges echo those in a suit filed last week by California Attorney General Jerry Brown, who called the company a "gigantic pyramid scheme" in which 140,000 "referring travel agents" pay $450 up front and $50 a month to sell travel but rarely earn any money on commissions. Meanwhile, sales reps — including many of those travel agents — receive commissions and bonuses to sign up more agents.

"These are all different components of the same pyramid scheme," said Christian Montroy, the East St. Louis attorney who filed the suit.

The Illinois attorney general also is investigating YTB Travel, and the local chapter of the Better Business Bureau(BBB) slapped YTB Travel with a negative report last week.

Also on Monday, YTB Travel disclosed in an SEC filing that its application for listing on the American Stock Exchange was withdrawn Friday. The company's stock is currently traded on the Over The Counter bulletin board and it has been trying to get on a more prestigious exchange.

The company didn't say why it withdrew its application to AMEX and didn't respond to questions Monday.

However, the only thing that is different from that morton salt box and YTB Travel is the little girl on the box has an umbrella and YTB Travel doesn't.

For more Information Contact:
Daryl D. Alex
Regional Executive
Traverus Travel and TeleVerus Cell Phones

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Illinois launches probe into YTB Travel

YTB Travel News(press release): More YTB Travel News as members of YTB Travel International the
Wood River based travel company, gathered in St. Louis for The YTB Travel Annual Convention, the unthinkable event was announced on
the heels of a eariler report this week that California Attorney
called YTB Travel "A gigantic Pyramid Scheme" and just a day later The Illinios Attorney General's Office announced it also has launched a probe into YTB Travel International.And the local chapter of the Better Business Bureau(BBB) issued a report detailing complaints it has heard of misleading offers made by YTB Travel International sales reps.And just as before YTB Travel International has denied any wrongdoing. However,The Illinois Attorney General and Better Business Bureau(
probes are the latest signs of deeper problems of the fast-growing company, which sells cruises, flights and online travel agencies websites in which people can earn commissions selling cruises and flights for a start up cost of $450 up front and a monthly fee of $50.

Nevertheless, by the end of March, YTB Travel has made claims to have sold 139,000 of these agencies and had claimed that YTB Travel
has more than 340,000 sales reps, who pay nothing But, are earning commissions for each agent they sign up.

Natalie Bauer, a spokesperson for The Illinios Attorney General Lisa Madigan would not say exactly when the Illinios probe started,did state the probe had indeed been opened for a while now and are in the process of conversing with The California Attorney General's Office in hopes to gather information of their findings. Her office has received 70 complaints about YTB Travel since 2002.

For More Information Contact:

Daryl D. Alex
Regional Executive
Traverus Trave and TeleVerus Cell Phones
Traverus Travel Update and TeleVerus Cell Phones

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

California YTB Travel Faces Lawsuit

YTB Travel News(press release):

In a story released by Doc Bunkum Stowaway YTB Travel has once again been found to be
an ILLEGAl online pyramid Scheme this time in the state of California. A stated in many of my older blogs I have stated that YTB Travel has been deceptiing of many of YTB Travel member with the concept that as YTB Travel Reps one could earn large sums of money by joining YTB Travel . Now, I'm not saying that this is not total true, for the minority of YTB Travel members, 75% to 85% to be more exact are not seeing any money in this YTB Travel opportunity while only 15% to 25% are making ALL the money off the backs of YTB Travel reps. But, maybe
you are tried of here this from me So, I'll let Mr. Stowaway come to my aide and reveal what has been found by The California Attorney General found.

Here we go again...

Embargoed Until 10:00 p.m. Pacific Time on August 4, 2008
Contact: California Attorney Generals Press Office 916-324-5500

Ca. Atty. Gen. Brown Sues To Topple Online Pyramid Scheme

LOS ANGELES--California Attorney General Edmund G. Brown Jr. today sued YourTravelBiz.com for operating a gigantic pyramid scheme that recruited tens of thousands of members with deceptive claims that members could earn huge sums of money through its online travel agencies.

YourTravelBiz.com operates a gigantic pyramid scheme that is immensely profitable to a few individuals on top and a complete rip-off for most everyone else,” Attorney General Brown said. “Today’s lawsuit seeks to shut down the company’s unlawful operation before more people are exploited by the scam.”

YourTravelBiz.com and its affiliates operate an illegal pyramid scheme that only benefits members if and when they find enough new members to join the scam. Once enrolled, members who join the pyramid scheme earn compensation for each new person they enlist, regardless of whether they sell any travel. The company lures new members by offering huge income opportunities through online travel agencies yet the typical person actually makes nothing selling travel.

According to company records there were over 200,000 members in 2007 who typically pay more than $1,000 per year--$449.95 to set up an “online travel agency” with a monthly fee of $49.95. In 2007, only 38 percent of the company’s members made any travel commissions. For the minority of members who made any travel commission in 2007, the median income was $39.00--less than one month’s cost to keep the Website. There are at least 139,000 of the company’s travel Websites, all virtually identical, on the Internet.

YourTravelBiz’s extensive marketing materials include videos of people driving Porsche and other luxury cars, holding ten-thousand dollar checks, and claiming to be raking in millions of dollars in profits. The company advertises through its Website http://www.ytb.com, and at conventions, workshops and nationwide sales meetings which have been held in California locations such as Los Angeles, Sacramento, San Francisco and San Diego.

Brown charges the company, its affiliates, and the company’s founders J. Lloyd Tomer, J. Scott Tomer, J. Kim Sorensen and Andrew Cauthen with operating an “endless chain scheme,” an unlawful pyramid in which a person pays money for the chance to receive money by recruiting new members to join the pyramid. Brown also charges the company with unfair business practices and false advertising practices including:

* Deceptive claims that members can earn millions of dollars with the company
* Operating without filing legally mandated documents with the attorney general and the Department of Corporations
* Selling an illegal travel discount program

Under California’s unfair business practices statute, the company is liable for $2,500 per violation of law. Attorney General Brown is suing YourTravelBiz.com to get a court order that:

* Bars the company from making false or misleading statements
* Assesses a civil penalty of at least $15,000,000 and at least $10,000,000 in restitution for Californians who were ripped off by the company.

From August 6 through 10, thousands of members are preparing to travel to St. Louis for a national convention to learn new techniques to recruit more victims into the illegal pyramid scheme. Last year at least 10,000 people attended a similar national conference. For more details on the company’s plan to perpetuate its scheme visit:

http://www.yourtravelbiz.com/bizRep/Biz ... -18-08.htm

For more information on pyramid schemes visit:


Any consumers who believe they have been bilked by YTB Travel should send a written complaint with copies of any supporting documentation to:

Office of the Attorney General
Public Inquiry Unit, P.O. Box 944255
Sacramento, CA 94244-2550

Or through an on-line complaint form:

Today’s lawsuit against YourTravelBiz.com, filed in Los Angeles Superior Court today, is attached. The lawsuit also names affiliates which include YTB Travel Network, Inc., YTB Travel Network of Illinois,Inc., as well as the company’s founders J. Lloyd Tomer, J. Scott Tomer, J. Kim Sorensen and Andrew Cauthen.

# # #
Doc Bunkum

Now, I don't want anyone to think that I'm bashing YTB Travel or any other company in these blogs because I'm not and nor do I take any glory in the negative events that YTB Travel has be apart of in the past year are so, My main goal is to help a person make the Best Educated Choice as to what is the best vechile to achieve their goals and dreams.

For More Information Contact:

Daryl D. Alex
Regional Executive
Traverus Travel

Sunday, August 3, 2008

YTB Travel News: Bermuda Sun Investigation reveals card mill

"A Bermuda Sun investigation suggests that most people investing in YTB Travel in the U.S. make their money by recruiting new subscribers, rather than from selling travel.

Mr. Furbert - who plans to launch YTB Travel in Bermuda next month - denied yesterday that the company is a pyramid scheme.

The Bermuda Sun investigation also revealed that U.S. travel organizations are beginning to back away from YTB Travel, calling it "a card mill" because its agents lack bona fide travel credentials.

Cheryl Hayward-Chew, vice president of Meyer Franklin Travel, confirmed travel suppliers are beginning to refuse discounts to YTB Travel. She said people should do their research before signing up and warned that the people who are likely to make the most money are people at the top - those who buy in early.

There is heated debate on the Internet as to whether YTB Travel is a pyramid scheme - whereby the money of new investors ends up in the hands of those at the top. "

How much more water can The YTB Travel row boat take on before the call "YOU snaked my battleship" is cried out?

For More Information Contact:

Daryl D. Alex
Regional Executive
Traverus Travel and TeleVerus Cell Phones
Traverus Travel Update

Sunday, July 27, 2008

YTB Travel News

It has been mentioned that YTB Travel is a public company inferring legitimacy and obviously infers it has been scrutinized by the SEC ...

The SEC does very little due diligence's on reverse-merged companies... that's right! - REVERSE-MERGED COMPANIES also known as YTB Travel ... YTB Travel did not do an initial public offerring YTB Travel simply bought a shell company ( REZConnect) that was already trading on the OTC bulletin board for pennies (and who was loosing money by the buckets just like YTB Travel.) - the merger actually enabled RezConnect to write off $15M to "goodwill"! come on "GOODWILL" sounds like SELF-PERSEVERANCE if you ask me.

YTB Travel never went through the scrutiny by analysts or anyone else typically endured by a company that does an IPO. Opting for the method of "going public", although frequently done is in my opinion is quite underhanded - it doesn't add any capital to YTB Travel ( one of the many reasons to go public in the first place) it merely adds some small ( depending on the market demand) amount of liquidity for the original players as well as the facade of legitimacy that hasn't truly been earned.

Now, let's follow the YTB Travel money trail to see how legitimate this deal was for the little guy caught in the YTB Travel MLM scheme ... YTB Travel under a little scrutiny for their filings to the SEC shows that for 2004 they claimed revenue of approx 11.5 Million, However, Of that 11.5 million 63.4% which is roughly over 7 million dollars came out of the pockets of YTB Travel Reps. Moreover, 17.8 percent or just about 2Million dollars of YTB Travel reported revenue was the GROSS sales amount of all the travel YTB Travel booked which is entirely offset within the cost of product as YTB Travel does not actually offer travel - YTB Travel simply refers it.

If you really did your do diligence's - it soon becomes apparently clear that about 4.4% or roughly $484,034.00 was actual commission on travel sold. Now based that on the over 8700 members that YTB Travel has claimed to have in this filing that would have put the TOTAL average YTB Travel commission for each YTB Travel Rep would be less than 60 dollars now this is not exactly what you would call an promising home based business for the average person.

Therefore,the only conclusion that one can conclude from going through YTB Travel financials and yet there is much, much more to be looked at trust me, is that YTB Travel are making money off selling YTB Travel memberships and the 50 dollar a month fee and not much else. If your into selling a product and being a travel agent - there is little money here. If your into selling MLM schemes and ripping off the public at large .... then YTB Travel is for you.

For More Information Contact:

Daryl D. Alex
Regional Executive
TraVerus Travel And TeleVerus Cell Phones
Traverus Travel Update

Saturday, July 26, 2008

YTB Travel News- "your very own " pyramid scheme

YTB Travel News(PRESS Release July 26, 2008)

YTB Travel is a so-called multi-level-marketing scheme that tries to sell you "your very own travel agency". YTB Travel claim that this will (1.) save you a lot of money when booking travel, (2.) make you money when others book travel through you, and (3.) make you money when you pull others into the YTB Travel mouse trap.

It will take a while before you find out that the YTB Travel privilege will cost you $500 and that's just for beginners, plus an additional $150 alone with a 7 hour day of "so called" YTB Travel training( That's if YTB Travel training takes place in your area) and then $50 each month for the maintenance of your YTB Travel website.

It will take you even longer to find out that the whole YTB Travel scheme really doesn't work as advertised.

YTB Travel is a publicly traded company, meaning that there are financial statements that will support the above statement that the YTB Travel scheme really doesn't work (even though YTB Travel is over 12 months behind on reporting and is constantly redeclaring their reports).

To make this long story short:

* YTB Travel continues to lose more and more money year after year (However,the principles are making millions of dollars year after year).
* The average YTB Travel agent pays more than three times in monthly fees as they are earning in commissions.
* YTB Travel makes twice as much from "selling travel agencies" then from their "CORE PRODUCT", which is TRAVEL.

Let's take a closer look at my last key point: 65% of YTB Travel comes from building the pyramid, proving that it's a true ILLEGAL PYRAMID SCHEME. YTB Travel has been reported to the SEC and within the next 6 to 12 months there will be decision rendered.

Moreover, to become involved with the YTB Travel pyramid scheme you are allowing YTB Travel to offer you an affiliate position with travelocity. However, if you don't believe that all of this is true just go to the Travelocity site directly, you will see that they the exact same site and that site is free.

For More Information Contact:

Daryl D. Alex
Regional Executive
TraVerus Travel And TeleVerus Cell Phones
Traverus Travel And TeleVerus Cell Phones
Traverus Travel And TeleVerus Cell Phones raises bar

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

YTB Travel News- Comtemplating cancellation of RTA business model

YTB Travel announces that YTB Travel is CONTEMPLATING the Cancellation of YTB Travel's Referring Travel Agent business model. To me and many other in the travel industry have been stating for the past year or so YTB Travel cannot survive in travel industry as an MLM. Could it be that Scott Tomer has finally determined that MLM and travel is indeed a very bad mix!

But, does Scott Tomer have the answer to the one question that will be on all of YTB Travels' RTA's lips, What about the millions and millions of dollars paid annually by the RTAs to YTB Travel? My guess is that this new YTB Travel "legitimate" company was indeed founded on the backs of the RTAs.

On July 15, 2008, Mr. Scott Tomer, Chief Executive Officer of YTB International, Inc. (the "Company"), announced that the Company is contemplating the replacement of its referring travel agent ("RTA") business model with the implementation of a franchise operating system, potentially in 2009. The Company expects that a franchising model, if adopted, would facilitate the Company's expansion into additional markets by providing more comprehensive training and a new proprietary e-commerce platform. Details regarding price, product offerings and the conversion plan are all under consideration, but the Company anticipates that its existing RTA base would be treated favorably under its forthcoming proposal. If a franchising model is adopted, its distribution is expected to be managed by subsidiary and current marketing arm of the Company, YourTravelBiz.com, also known as YTB.com.

The information in this report shall not be deemed "filed" for purposes of
Section 18 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange Act"), or incorporated subject to the liabilities of that section or Sections 11 and 12(a)(2) of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "Securities Act"), and shall not be incorporated by reference in any registration statement or other document filed under the Securities Act or the Exchange Act, whether made before or after the date hereof, regardless of any general incorporation language in such filings, except as shall be expressly set forth by specific reference in such a filing.

Well, if YTB Travel becomes a franchise it will be more than $500 and the RTAs will need to come up with some more cash. However, Scott Tomer may find it in his heart if he has one left and offer those RTA's a discount.

But, At this point the RTAs will now need to make an EDUCATED DECISION as to "IF" they indeed can or will be able to make money selling travel with YTB Travel and are they willing to put in the EXTRA cash required to draw their conclusion?

Moreover, YTB Travel has collected FEES to the amount of over $154 million in the past three years and to add INSULT to INJURIES YTB Travel "LEGALLY" owns all the names that the RTAs put into the system (by contract)

This wil be interesting to see what happens. Because, I'm sure YTB Travel RTAs didn't have this in mind when Kim Sorenson was legitimizing.

But, without the RTAs.... is there really a need for YTB Travel Reps?.

So, is YTB Travel on it's way to being one of the largest hosts/franchises in the travel industry? I think not!!!!

For more Information Contact:

Daryl D. Alex
Regional Executive
Traverus Travel And TeleVerus Cell Phones

Thursday, July 17, 2008

YTB TRAVEL NEWS- Problems with Structure and Stock Position

The problem the people working with YTB Travel see is the problem of the companies' structure and stock position. Over 2006 the stock of YTB Travel dropped significantly leaving people who invested heavily wondering what to do.

Another issue is that Traverus Travel And TeleVerus Cell Phones, with its Headquarters in Texas , is another travel marketing company that is very poised to "outlast, outplay, and outwit" the competition.

For More Information Contact:

Daryl D. Alex
Regional Executive
Traverus Travel And TeleVerus Cell Phones

Sunday, July 13, 2008

YTB Travel News- very controversial in the manner in which they do business and recruit consumers

YTB Travel and its subsidiaries are very controversial in the manner in which they do business and recruit consumers to sell travel as well as participate in their alleged pyramid schemes. YTB Travel operate mostly outside the mainstream travel industry and are not members of the more notable travel organizations either by choice or simply due to ineligibility. YTB Travel claims to have over 60,000 reps signed up to which they have issued photo ID cards. The mass majority of YTB Travel base are naive reps constantly fall for their pyramid scam. However,to keep anyone from saying I'm not being fair, YTB Travel does have a few experienced and serious travel agents within YTB Travel ranks. But,any of YTB Travel reps are beginning to see the TRUTH and moving on to better opportunities with Traverus Travel And TeleVerus Cell Phones. While others that hang in there like the possibilities for that dual income potential offer will soon come there way are the ones who think they can become rich quickly.

For More Information Contact:

Daryl D. Alex
Regional Executive
Traverus Travel And TeleVerus Cell Phones
Traverus Travel And TeleVerus Cell Phones Update

Friday, July 11, 2008


Have you to contacted any YTB Travel Reps lately to let them know that Rod Cook (MLM Watchdog Editor & one of the most trusted names in Network Marketing), has begun to seriously question YTB Travel's business practices, as well as its business model. Having Rod Cook question YTB Travel's business model obviously isn't a good thing for YTB Travel, and it?s nearly as bad as their recent loss of IATA certification. Each YTB Travel reps should take a Close look at Mr. Cook's article and judge it as just what it is the TRUTH. Mr. Cook who holds no affiliation with any YTB Travel's competitor and is a very respected and well recognized authority within the network marketing industry.

Mr. Cook's Q and A:
Q: What has been YTB Travel's product? A: For the last 7 years. A would person paid $500 and received a YTB Travel/IATA card along with a website. Now of course IATA terminated their affiliation with YTB Travel, so will YTB Travel core product disappeared. YTB Travel has no stand alone other than it's travel product, so they're now merely selling a travel booking website to people for $500.00. I wonder how long that will last before people catch on that they are being taken for a ride.

For More Information Contact:
Daryl D. Alex
Regional Executive
Traverus Travel And TeleVerus Cell Phones
225. 590-7700

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

YTB Travel News- "10 Travel and YTB Travel notified for IATA cancellation

Well, YTB Travel will not be along in the category of Travel Angencies that no longer have IATA credentials.

YTB Travel NEWS(PRESS RELEASE): The IATA Agency Commissioner for the United States upheld the termination of "10 Travel". This is a travel agency based out of Phoenix, Arizona known as Tri Star Travel.

"10 Travel" was one of four agencies canceled last year for improper use of their issued IATA numeric code. YTB Travel (Your Travel Business) was another of the agencies notified for cancellation. The "10 Travel" cancellation took place in November 2007.

IATA made a statement that "10 Travel" violated the standards which forbid agencies to lend, subcontract or hire out use of IATA numeric codes. It was ruled by the commissioner that "10 Travel" must stop using their IATA code, as well as recall all ID cards where this IATA number was present.

Due to the importance of this IATA number being needed to book travel effectively, YTB Travel (Your Travel Business) also appealed to the commissioner earlier in the year. However, their results were the same as "10 Travel", and their request was also denied.

Let it be KNOWN that TraVerus Travel And TeleVerus Cell Phones, a competitor of both travel agencies "10 Travel" and YTB Travel, continue to be in good standings with IATA. Mainly,due to the fact that TraVerus Travel actual begin as a real brick and mortar travel agency which took years to build quality relationships with not only The IATA Commission but, also with all the major travel vendors and suppliers, enabling Traverus Travel to have REAL Certified Agents that are actually trained in the sale of travel.

If you would like to take part in a REAL Travel Company than Traverus Travel And TeleVerus Cell Phones is
Your Right Place At The Right Time.

For more Information Contact:
Daryl D. Alex
Regional Executive
TraVerus Travel And TeleVerus Cell Phones
Traverus Travel And Televerus Cell Phones Update

Saturday, July 5, 2008

YTB Travel News- YTB Travel in serious trouble

We at Traverus Travel certainly do sympathize with the emotional roller coaster YTB Travel reps will surely experience after receiving this crushing announcement, but each YTB Travel Rep must now face a difficult reality that business is business and they must look out for their livelihood; Moreover, each and every YTB Travel leader should soon be recognizing that no matter how much they love or believe in YTB Travel, it’s in serious trouble and YTB Travel will likely see 70% or more of their active RTA base leave the company and their organization over the next 4 to 8 weeks as news of IATA’s termination of YTB Travel spreads. Those YTB Travel leaders will be forced to quickly make one of the following choices:

1. YTB Travel Reps can brace themselves for the fast approaching storm, if that is at all possible and try to create a plan to rebuild ¾’s of the organization that will take to the high grounds over the next few months or
2. Which should be the SMARTEST YTB Travel leader's decision catch that lifeline and Take a position with Traverus Travel, which represents the only major Travel Company left in the Network Marketing field today and then propel that organization that he or she are leading over to one of the strongest Traverus Travel company's team and he or she will receive a preferred position in Traverus Travel, which by the way is the #1 income earning company out there at this time, Moreover, It would be like holding that winning the lottery ticket in today's drawing. A SMART YTB Travel Leader would recognize that he or she can either lead their team to a stronger company in Travel Travel now, or watch his or her YTB Travel team make the SMART choice and leave on their own. These YTB Travel leaders know that it’s not a question of if; it’s a question of how soon this will happen.
Traverus Travel has already had several YTB Travel reps that were in Director Levels make the move within the last 24 hours and these number will be in the thousands over the next 60 days and since Traverus Travel doesn't use a six up compensation model which an ex YTB Travel Rep should benefit greatly by acting now, since future reps will soon be positioned underneath you!

For Information Contact:

Daryl D. Alex
Regional Executive
Traverus Travel Update

Friday, July 4, 2008

YTB Travel News-yearly attrition rates of nearly 80%

YTB Travel news (Press Release) -- As most industry professionals know, YTB Travel has been just keeping it's head above water with yearly attrition rates of nearly 80% throughout 2005, 2006, 2007,and now 2008 things haven't gotten any better. But YTB Travel has managed to stay a float as a Travel company solely do to it's continued strength in aggressive recruitment; However, YTB Travel's recruitment numbers have begin to descend suddenly due to the announcements from Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines, Celebrity Cruise Lines, The International Air Transport Association (IATA) and the American Society of Travel Agents (ASTA) who have all just announced that they will no longer recognize YTB Travel as a certified travel company. In short, YTB Travel reps will no longer be eligible for courtesy discounts when they travel using their now defunct IATA YTB Travel cards (YTB Travel ACCESS DENIED), Moreover, YTB Travel will no longer be able to book travel with any of these major cruise lines listed above. These incredibly unfortunate circumstances that have befallen YTB Travel following the announcement that 21 of the top 28 income earners with YTB Travel have lost as much as 40% of their monthly income during the last 6 months.
And this why many of YTB Travel's Reps have left and are now becoming members of Traverus Travel and TeleVerus Cell Phones

For Information contact:
Daryl D. Alex
Regional Executive
TraVerus Travel And TeleVerus Cell Phones
Traverus Travel And TeleVerus Cell Phones update

Saturday, May 24, 2008

YTB Travel News: Adds K.C. Chiefs to Scam

YTB Travel News:I got a phone call just the other day from a YTB Travel Reps who will remain nameless stating more YTB Travel NEWS: This rep was so excited about about YTB Travel having signed The Kansas City Chiefs of the National Football League as their newest YTB Travel Store specializing in the sale of Kansas City Chief football tickets,and other items to their fans. Now don't let it be said that I didn't congratulated the rep for the deal YTB Travel made with the Chief organization and hoped that YTB Travel would get many more of the NFL teams to sign up with YTB Travel but when asked how much he would receive for the Chiefs joining YTB Travel he quickly went to another subject about how YTB Travel was so much better than Traverus Travel and that YTB Travel has "X" numbers of members etc so I played right along with the rep by reminding him that over 80% of those YTB Travel reps aren't making any money and that signing The Chiefs would not put any money in their pockets if and I repeated "IF" they hadn't directly signed The Chief Organization up and that some big wheel who was already making money off of the BACKS of those 80% of the YTB Travel reps that aren't making any money but,whom were paying their $50.00 a month hoping that this would be the month that they could get someone to buy a $500.00 YTB Travel
store even through gas prices are at a all time high and more and people are losing their jobs along with people losing their homes but, this rep was telling me that YTB Travel was the best opportunity in the travel business today. Come on you sound like a YTB Travel gangster if you ask me!!!! Then the line got quiet so quiet you could hear a pin drop on his end.

So, after about 15 to 20 seconds I had to ask are you still there? very weakly he said yes. Then I told him that signing The Kansas City chiefs didn't measure up to
a pile of tea bags, speaking of tea bags. Have you heard of the latest from TraVerus
Travel? his reply was no of course so I dropped him this email:

Here is the English translation of the press release Susan just told Ken to release.
I will let you know when it is released so we can out to our group. WOW

Traverus Travel Network And TeleVerus Cell Phones
China announced!

Traverus Travel Network and TeleVerus Cell Phones, the fast-growing, world-wide on-line travel promoter, and ChinaClicks2, the exclusive marketing partner of 5CTV, have announced the forming of a new travel venture in The People's Republic of China . The new company, Traverus Travel And TeleVerus Cell Phones China , will dedicate itself to building a strong traveler's network in mainland China , Hong Kong and Taiwan , the so-called Greater China Region.

David Manning, the CEO of Traverus Travel And TeleVerus Cell Phones and Susan Pattis, CEO of ChinaClicks2 International Consulting, signed the joint-venture paper on May 19th, 2008 in Beijing , China .

Kenneth Chou, one of the founders of the public-listed Internet travel company Star Travel in Taiwan , will sit on the advisory board of the new company. Both Susan and Kenneth will also join Traverus Travel Network And TeleVerus Cell Phones as partners.

style="font-weight:bold;">Traverus Travel Network And TeleVerus Cell Phones
is also the exclusive travel industry partner with the recently aired 5CTV which is dedicated in programming that brings the world to China and China to the world, as Billy Campbell, the CEO of 5CTV and formal CEO of Discovery Channel explained in its opening ceremony.
So, YTB Travel go on signing up NFL, NBA, NHL, MLB Leagues we at TraVerus Travel And TeleVerus Cell Phones are signing
up countries, 98 and counting. With more avg. people making money at our opportunity then any Home
Based Travel Business in the Industry. For more information on this ground floor
opportunity contact.

Daryl D. Alex
Regional Executive
Traverus Travel And Cell Phones Update
TraVerus Travel And TeleVerus Cell Phones Presentation

Thursday, May 22, 2008

YTB TRAVEL NEWS: Troubles in Baltimore

Here's more YTB Travel News: YTB Travel back in trouble now in Baltimore. News at eleven reports that a group of 30 people planned to take a trip to celebrate Mother's Day. This group saved up every penny that they could to pay for this trip package which included airfare and hotel from Baltimore to Las Vegas, now just imagine this group arriving at the airport to get their airline tickets and being told that they had none. Moreover, calling the hotel in Las Vegas only to be told that the reservations had been canceled since April.

Now I'm not saying that this all YTB Travel's fault however, they did when asked about the agent quickly dissociated themselves from the problem by say that this wasn't the first time they have had problems with this agent and that the agent had been terminated and announced the cancellation of her YTB Travel membership.. Nevertheless, YTB Travel makes the claim that they are not a card mill and have the best trained agents in the business But, as I see it the system failed miserably. If the owners of YTB Travel knew of this problem before hand why didn't they remove this agent much sooner or why wasn't this agent trained better on how to book travel?

But, after I was prepared to come to a close of this report when this one thing kept coming across my mind: This agent was a RTA(referring Travel Agent) right, which means that the agent wasn't able to book Travel only refer Travel which means that they would have to call in to the home office and have a Certified Travel Agent to make the booking. Which makes it hard for me to believe that YTB Travel had no knowledge that this trip had been booked.

Daryl D. Alex
Regional Executive
TraVerus Travel and TeleVerus Cell Phones

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

YTB Travel NEWS- Raising the RED flag again

Well, YTB Travel has done it again by raising the RED flag again this time they have really went over board. More YTB Travel News reports that Card mills take 'agents' for a ride. This poor YTB Travel rep David Hewitt and I qoute: "Hewitt made a plane reservation on the American Airlines Web site, not his own Web site because AA.com "was cheaper." Hewitt then traveled to his destination and presented his YTB Travel-issued travel agent card to several hotels and requested a travel agent rate.
"They just snickered at me when they saw the ID card," he said." And this happen on two other trips that Mr. Hewitt took also.
After all that DRAMA Mr. Hewitt canceled his membership with YTB Travel and asked that his money be refunded!!! However, after is request fail on deaf ear he had to file complaint with the Better Business Bureau of Missouri and Southern Illinois, where the company is located. Moreover, His was one of 31 complaints against YTB Travel in the last 36 months, according to the BBB, 19 of which were related to refund or exchange issues. It took YTB Travel a year to refund his membership fee.

Now, I wonder how Mr.Sorensen will explain this after stating that YTB Travel agents didn't need an IATAN approved YTB Travel agent card and that travel could be booked without an IATAN approved YTB Travel agent card. This just goes to show that YTB Travel really isn't what they portray themselves to be in the travel industry. Filmed at eleven.
This just another reason why so many of YTB Travel reps are leaving and joining
Traverus Travel and enjoying much more success.

Daryl D. Alex
Regional Executive
TraVerus Travel and TeleVerus Cell Phones Update

Saturday, February 23, 2008

YTB Travel NEWS- CEO dumps His YTB Travel stocks

After speaking with a YTB Travel rep earlier today I founded it very alarming that this rep said that the sell of YTB Travel stock sold by YTB Travel CEO and President
Coach J. Lloyd Tomer to purchase a million dollar mansion was a good ideal
...WHAT???? However,when asked why he felt that it was such a good move
he told me that he could not reveal coach's big picture. The only big picture
I could see is that coach would have something to sell when his big picture
doesn't develop as plan. We then went to compensation plan which to this
YTB Travel NEWS: YTB Travel rep are the best on the planet, Now how can that be so when only 28%
of YTB Travel Reps are making money and many of the vendors are dropping their
associations with YTB Travel NEWS: vendors like: Perillo and YTB NEWS:Royal Caribbean terminates
YTB Travel Network. Not only are vendors turning away from YTB Travel NEWS: but, others
too are terminating their relationships with YTB Travel NEWS: like Rhode Island
and YTB Travel NEWS: 3rd year attorney and MLM legend Mr.Thayer Lindauer and to put the icing
on the cake YTB Travel NEWS: are under investigation for INSIDER TRADING
and YTB Travel NEWS: for PYRAMIDING. However, after exposing the YTB Travel NEWS: COVER-UP this reps
said that he still felt YTB Travel was the right place at the right time. So I wish him
the best with his business. All I can say is Coach must have something in the water!!!!!!!!

Daryl D. Alex
Regional Executive
Traverus Travel and TeleVerus Cell Phones Update