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Friday, August 22, 2008

More YTB Complaints from The BBB

YTB Travel News:(Press Release) More YTB Travel Complaints

A Fallbrook, Calif., woman complained to the BBB that after a day-long seminar, she purchased a Web site from YTB Travel for $499 in order to become an online travel agent. She said she thought this would be a good way to make money from home and obtain travel discounts for personal travel. She said that she needed to book $1,200 a month through her Web site in order to be eligible for personal discounts, but everyone that she told about her site said that they “did some research and found that they could book travel more cheaply elsewhere.” She also said that “IATA(International Air Transport Association Network) rescinded their affiliation with YTB Travel and that was the main way for us to obtain travel discounts.” The BBB assisted her in obtaining a refund.

When contacted by the BBB, a representative of the IATAN confirmed that their relationship with YTB Travel was severed due to “failure to maintain standards of accreditation.” In an official statement IATAN indicated that YTB Travel was terminated for “violating the standards which provide that ‘IATA numeric codes shall not be lent, subcontracted, or hired to a third party.’" Furthermore, IATAN “found that the Referring Travel Agents recruited by YTB Travel -- and to whom YTB Travel gave credentials which contained the IATA numeric code -- were "third parties" over whom YTB Travel had no control.” YTB Travel disputed IATANS actions, but upon review the actions were upheld.

For the first quarter of 2008, only 12.5% of YTB Travel’s net revenue was derived from online travel sale commissions, while almost 80% came from the recruitment of people joining its online travel business. Based on the number of RTAs listed in these filings, the average amount made by each RTA through the sale of travel through their Web site for the first quarter was $27.75; on pace for a yearly income of $111, according to filings with the Security and Exchange Commission.

J. Kim Sorensen is the president of YTB Travel, J. Scott Tomer is the CEO and J. Lloyd Tomer is the chairman of the board, according to the company’s Web site.

If you are like me and are tried of the many YTB Travel Complaints that have and are being leeved on YTB Travel then maybe it's time you take a look at Traverus Travel Network and TeleVerus Cell Phones

For more information contact:

Daryl D. Alex
Regional Executive
Traverus Travel and TeleVeus Cell Phones

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