What is Different about Traverus And TeleVerus Cell Phones

Saturday, October 25, 2008

YTB Travel International changes "RTA" Commissions

YTB Travel News: (press release) EXTRA!!! EXTRA!! read all about it YTB Travel International announces that YTB Travel International agents will now receive 70% as it has eliminated the 10% override bonus!!!!
However, YTB Travel International fail to inform their Travel agents or should I say RTA's about all the hoops that they will have to jump through. Let us take a look at these HOOPS.

For More Information Contact:

Daryl D. Alex
Regional Executive
Traverus Travel and TeleVerus Cell Phones

Friday, October 17, 2008

Types of pyramid schemes AND how YTB uses it

A pyramid scheme is a means of transferring money from duped investors at the bottom of a pyramid to those at the top, who initiate the recruitment of an endless chain or pyramid of participants. Pyramid promoters promise substantial income to those who “work the system,” but it is considered by law enforcement in most jurisdictions in the U.S. to be an unfair and deceptive practice because of the mathematical certainty that approximately 90% or more will always be in a losing position at the bottom – whether it collapses on its own, is shut down by authorities, evolves into another program, or moves on to another area.
While it is true that in most legitimate businesses, entrepreneurs lose money or eventually quit the business, the odds of failure are not guaranteed. Success is dependent on market forces and skill and the amount of time, money, and effort invested in the enterprise. However, in an illegal pyramid scheme, the more one invests in the enterprise, the more one loses – with the notable exception of those at the top of the pyramid, which are usually the first ones who entered into a given market. Success is dependent on time of entry and/or on willingness to aggressively recruit and deceive a downline of participants into believing the program is a legitimate enterprise.
Pyramid schemes come in many forms and with many disguises, including:


Participants buy into the scheme and move up four or five levels towards the top by recruiting others, who must do the same. The top person pockets all the money and then the next ones in line move up. The originator may move on to start another pyramid. Since no products are offered, these are easy to detect and are often shut down rather quickly by authorities. Losses are usually no more than a few hundred or a few thousand dollars and aggregate harm is minimal, so they seldom attract much attention by law enforcement or by the media. Included in this category are pyramid games, such as the “airplane game,” or pyramid parties, such as the “dinner party,” etc.


These are essentially no-product pyramid schemes, but they are disguised as gifts given voluntarily in order to enter the pyramid. Promoters claim they are empowering women or churches or some other group of people striving to gain financial advantage. They do not fool most officials in law enforcement, and the media and the public often unite to support law enforcement in shutting them down. They have been successful in some states for brief periods of time, but seldom gain wide support. Aggregate losses to society are minimal.


These involve spamming the Internet with offers to participate in an endless chain of useful “reports,” which are usually readily available information that has been photocopied and added to the chain, much like a chain letter. The cost to participate is very small – usually under $20. While they are hard to control in a medium as unregulated as the Internet, actual financial losses are almost trivial. The real harm is their tendency to hog valuable computer space and time. Internet matrices are also pyramid schemes that cause more irritation to serious web surfers than actual financial harm to participants.


These are the pyramid schemes of choice for at least 90% of promoters of schemes designed to enrich a few at the expense of a multitude of downline investors. Recruits are deceived into buying “potions and lotions” with claims of magical properties and powers – and promises of huge income for sharing these dandy items with friends and neighbors. Promoters exploit the dreams and social capital of participants, who almost never file complaints with authorities when they come up empty – which happens to approximately 99.9% of them. Because participants don’t complain (for reasons I will explain another time), law enforcement seldom does anything to contain them. These programs go by such terms as “multi-level marketing” (MLM), “network marketing,” “consumer direct marketing,” etc.
Product-based pyramid schemes recruit aggressively until de facto saturation makes recruiting difficult in a given market, moving on to other markets or starting new “divisions,” thus maintaining themselves in a continuously revolving door of new recruits, each of whom buys or subscribes to products to get in on this “ground floor opportunity.” In order to succeed, one must first be deceived, then maintain a high level of deception, and finally go about aggressively deceiving others.

Aggregate losses to society from product-based pyramid schemes total tens of billions of dollars every year and affect millions of victims world-wide. Approximately 99.9% of participants lose money – far higher than for no-product pyramid schemes. Most recruits participate on a modest scale, buying a few products and then quitting. Harm to more serious participants ranges from a few hundred dollars to loss of one’s life savings, career, or worse – breakup of families, even depression and/or suicide. The ones who get hurt the most are individuals who most enthusiastically embrace the promises and deceptions of the promoters and put their savings, credit, and whole heart and soul into this bogus “business opportunity of a lifetime.” If you had read the thousands of letters we have received from victims world-wide, you would not see MLM as a harmless home business – and certainly not a profitable one.

For More Information Contact:

Daryl D. Alex
Regional Executive
Traverus Travel and TeleVerus Cell Phones

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Member of Senate has tries to YTB Travel International Inc.

YTB Travel News:(press release) In an Exclusive WINK News investigation has uncovered that Burt Saunders a Florida State Senator , who is currently running for U.S. Congress has been paid in the past by "the company" (yourtravelbiz.com) to be its director and has received money as a consultant for "the company". Financial documents show that he had received $16,000 dollars in 2007 from the company, no word yet on whether or not he has been paid for any services this year.

Currently YTB Travel International Inc. is facing two class action suits each asking for over $100 million dollars, with California asking for restitution for victims in that state. California’s Attorney General even went so far as to call YTB Travel International Inc. a pyramid scheme.

In this day and age, when each and every politician’s life are being looked into so deeply, this could have serious repercussions for Saunders if YTB Travel International Inc. is found to have operated an illegal pyramid scheme. I would not be surprised if Saunders is the next in line to step down from the board at YTB Travel International Inc. (yourtravelbiz.com)

For Information Contact:

Daryl D. Alex
Regional Executive
Traverus Travel and TeleVerus Cell Phones

Saturday, October 4, 2008

YTB Travel International sell 4 million in stock???

YTB Travel News: (Press Release) YTB Travel dumps 4 million dollars worth of stock this time. As first reported by Notravelmlms site.

Michael Brent, who is a 10%+ owner of YTB Travel International, Inc. or yourtravelbiz.com or "the Company" has apparently seen the writing on the wall and is looking to sell up to 4 million shares of YTB Travel International, Inc.

On September 30, 2008, Michael Brent and Beth Brent entered into a Rule 10b5-1 Sales Plan ("Sales Plan") to be administered by Gilford Securities, Incorporated. Michael Brent is a ten percent shareholder of YTB International, Inc.(the "Company") and is the Chief Executive Officer of REZconnect Technologies, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company.

During the one year term of the Sales Plan, the Sales Plan provides that Gilford Securities, Incorporated will sell under Rule 144 up to a maximum of four million shares of Class A Common Stock of the Company held by Mr. and Mrs. Brent, subject to the price and volume restrictions stated in the Sales Plan.

However, according to this Rule 10b5-1 of the SEC, people that are privy to non public insider information are prohibited from selling stock. This should prove to be a problem for Cauthen, Clagg, Scott Tomer, Coach Tomer and Kim Sorensen as they all have sold securities when the California Attorney General Investigation was ongoing and not disclosed. This will also be yet another problem for Brent, based solely on "if" that information was disclosed to him as well.

Nevertheless, there is a way out when someone is looking to minimize the risk. Especially, "if" a trustee handles the sales of securities at a predetermined schedule or per a predetermined Canaccord-Adams' formula. You can read about the details of the plan here.

Now, according to Canaccord-Adams:

A large number of corporate executives are using 10b5-1 plans to turn their risks into rewards with respect to trading company stock. Rule 10b5-1 plans allow corporate insiders to preclude trading liability and more easily access their personal wealth held in stock.

It seems that Michael Brent who by the way has already sold over a million shares in the last year, should be a little concerned that because of what he knows as an insider, he may be guilty of violating insider trading rules. Moreover, he must feel that selling YTB Travel ie the company, yourtravelbiz.com stock is a personal risk.

Does this represent the beginning of the end? I guess that time will tell

For More Information Contact:

Daryl D. Alex
Regional Executive
Traverus Travel and TeleVerus Cell Phones

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

YTB Travel International Inc. Travel Agency or Travel SCAM ?

YTB Travel International Inc. problems have widened the gap between the learning and earning curves of becoming a REAL certified travel agent alone with the learning and earning to become a REAL marketeer. YTB Travel International Inc. has some success at marketing travel But, at the expense of it's very own YTB Travel International agents and other associates, who are frustrated with YTB Travel International Inc. attractive opportunity, but, YTB Travel International Inc. unrealistic goals.

There's something very wrong and the growing list of YTB Travel International Inc. problems has caught the attention of not only The Attorney General of California but, also that of IATA. YTB Travel International Inc. complaints has made The Travel industry punch drunkend, And has many people who are seeking their fortune to enhance the quality of their life with the aide of this lucrative Travel Industry have been left asking questions as to how or will they ever get a head with YTB Travel International.

As a result of the many YTB travel International Inc. lawsuits, it appears that the travel industry may have to take a different approach or at least the suppliers and vendors of travel will have to. YTB Travel International Inc. problems are just the beginning. YTB Travel International Inc. illegal marketed marketeers. YTB Travel International Inc. lawsuits have now convinced the suppliers and vendors to cancel its ties. YTB Travel International Inc. has been revoked from IATA.

Avoid the circus of YTB Travel International Inc. problems and learn to become a REAL Travel Agent, get paid to help others learn about becoming travel agents and earn high commissions and residual income as well.

For More Information Contact:

Daryl D. Alex
Regional Executive
Traverus Travel and TeleVerus Cell Phones
Traverus Travel Update and TeleVerus Cell Phones