NEWS FLASH: YTB Travel International travel agent's Certification no longer Called YTB Travel International RTA Certification-Now YTB Travel International is now calling it "First Class" get REAL!!!
Here is an excerpt from a recently released announcement from YTB Travel International Inc. Headquarters
YTB Travel International's
First Class -the "First Class" an RTA should take after joining YTB Travel International! Field leaders share the knowledge and experience they have gained on their way to outstanding YTB Travel International success.
The First Class presentation, taught by YTB Travel International Directors, teaches you how to maximize your YTB travel biz and marketingwebsites and provides you with the foundation you need to take your business to the next level.
The education and motivation you will receive from your"first" First Class are priceless!
Check out these First Class locations for this weekend -Friday - Saturday - Sunday
Don't Miss This Valuable Training!Sign up now from your Back Office by clicking on the Company Events link on the left.
However, after a closer look at the dates and location, you will notice on the second pages, that it is still without question, is called YTB Travel International RTA Certification and you guessed right, there is still a monetary fee involved to attend. So, is YTB Travel International trying to hide it's tracks by calling the YTB Travel International RTA Ceritfication...."First Class". Or is this another attempt for YTB Travel International to raise much needed CASH as membership drops and needs CASH to pay operating expenses, and pending lawsuits.
For More Information Contact:
Daryl D. Alex
Regional Executive
Traverus Travel